- Farmers MarketFarmers Market Experience the bountiful flavors of nature at our vibrant Farmers Market event! We're excited to offer an abundance of fresh, locally sourced fruits and vegetables, all available to students free of charge. Indulge in a colorful array of nature's best offerings as you stroll through the market, filled with vibrant displays of seasonal produce. From succulent berries and crisp apples to leafy greens and plump tomatoes, a wealth of nutritious delights is waiting to be discovered. From to at Boca Raton Campus - Grassy Knoll.
- Transfer Scholarship Workshop (Cancelled)Transfer Scholarship Workshop Graduating and transferring in the Fall? Bring your laptop and let’s get started on applying! (Honor students will receive 1 Honors activity Point) From to at Palm Beach Garden Campus | Room SC-268.
- Pi DayPi Day Celebrate Pi Day with fun math-themed activities, games, and of course, plenty of pi! Join us for a slice of the fun! From to at Lake Worth Campus- MLK Plaza.
- D.I.Y. Rock Painting with Student ActivitiesD.I.Y. Rock Painting with Student Activities Paint rocks with Student Activities at the BR Walkway to celebrate the Spring season. From to at BR Walkway.
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography Info SessionDiagnostic Medical Sonography Info Session Join us for an in-depth information session to explore the exciting and rewarding field of sonography! This session is designed for prospective students interested in learning about our sonography program, including program structure, curriculum, admissions requirements, and career opportunities. Attendees will gain insight into the hands-on clinical training provided, state-of-the-art technology used in the field, and the support available for students throughout their educational journey. Faculty and staff will be on hand to answer questions and offer guidance on what to expect as a sonography student. Don’t miss this chance to discover if a career in sonography is right for you! Registration is required to attend this event. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email from zoom with the meeting link. RSVP Now From to at Online.
- Arts & Humanities Week: Day 4Arts & Humanities Week: Day 4 Thursday, 3/13 9:30 AM | From Machismo to Modernity: The Ongoing Pursuit of the American Dream | HT 103 – An insightful discussion on cultural evolution and the changing definition of success in America.12:00 PM | Farmer’s Market | AD Bldg Lawn – Support local vendors and enjoy fresh produce, handmade goods, and more at this vibrant outdoor market.12:30 PM | Rubin Documentary with Filmmaker Tenille Brown | HT 103 – Watch a compelling documentary and engage in a discussion with filmmaker Tenille Brown.2:00 PM | Book Swap Finale | HT 103 – Close out the week by swapping one last book and sharing your favorite reads. From to at Boca Raton Campus (Read Description for Location).
- Senate MeetingSenate Meeting Join us for our Senate Meetings, where student leaders gather to discuss and shape the future of our campus. These meetings are open to all students who wish to learn more about student government, voice their opinions, or get involved. Topics include campus improvements, event planning, policy changes, and opportunities to represent your peers. Why Attend? Learn about the responsibilities of being a senator. Discover how you can qualify to represent the student body. Participate in decision-making that directly impacts student life. Take the first step toward earning your Senator Scholarship. Who Should Attend? Current SGA members, senators, and any student interested in leadership or campus involvement. Stay informed, make an impact, and take your first steps in leadership by joining the discussion at our Senate Meetings! From to at Boca Raton Campus- HT102 .
- Surgical Services Live Information Session - AS Spring 2025Surgical Services Live Information Session - AS Spring 2025 The Surgical Technology Information Sessions are your opportunity to learn more about the program requirements, ask questions you may have about the program and the profession and it's your opportunity to see an operating room environment. All program applicants must attend at least one Information Session before applying to the Surgical Technology Limited Access Program. This event is free and open to the public. ************************************************************************************************************************************Meeting Links: - Join the meeting now March 13th, at 3 pm - Join the meeting now April 3rd at 5 pm - Join the meeting now April 24th at 3 pm - Join the meeting now May 22nd at 3 pm - Join the meeting now June 12th at 5 pm ************************************************************************************************************************************ Website: http://www.palmbeachstate.edu/career-pathways/pathway-health/#psav Contact: jo Cota - PBSC Surgical Technology Department Chair: cotaj@palmbeachstate.edu From to at Online.
- 2025-2026 FAFSA Workshop: Understanding and Completing the 2025-2026 FAFSA Application2025-2026 FAFSA Workshop: Understanding and Completing the 2025-2026 FAFSA Application Understanding and Completing the 2025-2026 FAFSA Application Join us for an insightful workshop where we'll discuss the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) process and provide hands-on assistance with completing it. Registration is required to attend this event. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get a step closer to your educational goals! From to at Online.
- Philosophy Club Socratic Discussion: Theodicy and Manifestation CulturePhilosophy Club Socratic Discussion: Theodicy and Manifestation Culture Philosophy Club Socratic Discussion: Theodicy and Manifestation Culture Join us for an evening of insight as we dive into questions like: Do you have the ability to will something into happening? New members are welcome and Officers and Existing Members are highly encouraged to come join our first discussion of the semester. This is a great chance to get involved, share your thoughts, and contribute to making our club a thriving space for philosophical inquiry. Guided by Socratic dialogue, our meetings provide a space for curiosity, critical inquiry, and open-minded discussion. All perspectives are valued whether you are well-versed in philosophy or simply exploring new ideas. This is an opportunity to expand your thinking and challenge your assumptions in a collaborative academic setting. Date: Thursday, March 13th at 3:30 pm Location: Boca Raton CA 106 To prepare, we encourage participants to review the Socratic Discussion PDF available in the document section on the Engage page. These discussions are not debates or about determining right or wrong answers. Instead, they are an opportunity to listen, reflect, and engage in meaningful conversation on complex philosophical topics. From to at Boca Raton Campus CA 201.
- Applied, Now What?!Applied, Now What?! Have you applied to Palm Beach State College? Do you have questions about your next steps? In this session, we will provide the necessary next steps for students to complete the admissions process. We want to ensure that we assist you with starting your Summer and Fall 2025 classes. You will have the opportunity to speak with the admissions staff LIVE during the event and have your questions answered. In the session, we will cover: Florida Residency FAFSA Requesting Transcripts New Student Orientation Workday and Class Registration Limited Access Applications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join the Microsoft Teams Meeting Applied, Now What?! Meeting ID: 266 973 214 160 Passcode: 2tc6sU9s After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website: palmbeachstate.edu/admissions Contact: Adielys Brito britoa@palmbeachstate.edu From to at Online.
- STEM Executive Board MeetingSTEM Executive Board Meeting Join us at the STEM Executive Board Meeting for an engaging session where we’ll discuss upcoming projects, brainstorm ideas, and plan exciting events for the STEM Club. This is your opportunity to collaborate with like-minded peers, share your vision, and take an active role in shaping the future of STEM at Palm Beach State College. Whether you’re bursting with ideas or just want to be part of a dynamic community, this meeting is the place to start! Let’s innovate, lead, and inspire together! Open to all STEM Club members—new and returning leaders are welcome. From to at Boca Raton Campus- AD306 .
- Building Construction Information Session (In Person)Building Construction Information Session (In Person) Please arrive promptly at 5:00pm. You must be present for the entire session to receive credit for attending Want a career in construction management? This one-hour information session provides an overview of Palm Beach State's two new programs that prepare students to enter the construction industry on a management track: the Associate in Science degree in Building Construction Management and the Building Construction Specialist College Credit Certificate. By attending this in-person information session, you'll gain an understanding of the programs and the enrollment process. Take this opportunity to learn how you can get ready for a successful career in construction management. Building ETA - Room 103 Campus Map & Directions --------------------------------------------------------------- Registration is encouraged to attend this event. RSVP Now: https://engage.palmbeachstate.edu/submitter/form/start/489775 Contact: Alan Mullenax, Program Director | mullenaa@palmbeachstate.edu Website: www.palmbeachstate.edu/career-pathways/pathway-industry Catalog Links: Building Construction Management A.S. degree program and Building Construction Specialist College Credit Certificate Sponsored by: PBSC's Industry, Manufacturing, Construction & Trade Career Pathway From to at Lake Worth Campus - ETA Building - Room 103.
- Applied, Now What?!Applied, Now What?! Have you applied to Palm Beach State College? Do you have questions about your next steps? In this session, we will provide the necessary next steps for students to complete the admissions process. We want to ensure that we assist you with starting your Summer and Fall 2024 classes. You will have the opportunity to speak with the admissions staff LIVE during the event and have your questions answered. In the session, we will cover: Florida Residency FAFSA Requesting Transcripts New Student Orientation Workday and Class Registration Limited Access Applications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join Microsft Teams Meeting Meeting ID: 249 157 907 444 Passcode: b8Pz2m9x Join Today After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website: palmbeachstate.edu/admissions Contact: Adielys Brito britoa@palmbeachstate.edu From to at Online.
- Entertainment Club Watch party -MonsterEntertainment Club Watch party -Monster Watch the anime Monster with us. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0434706/ From to at LL 236.
- Forever OrbisonForever Orbison Sun Events Presents: Forever Orbison Sun Events Presents: Forever Orbison Ticket Information Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 7 p.m. Eissey Campus Theatre Tickets: $29-$65 (additional fees may apply). Buy Tickets Now or call 941-207-1038 About the Performance Experience Roy Orbison as performed by Jesse Aron, the two-time world champion tribute artist, as he pays tribute to one of the most legendary voices in Rock & Roll history. Jesse will be performing his special tribute to Roy Orbison accompanied by a live band featuring Roy Orbison’s lead guitarist and manager for 12 years, Alan James. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to see two world-famous musical artists together and enjoy the nostalgia and timeless hits of Roy Orbison. From to at Eissey Campus Theatre - Palm Beach Gardens campus.
- The Machine Performs Pink FloydThe Machine Performs Pink Floyd The Machine Performs Pink Floyd Ticket Information Thursday, March 13, 2025, @ 8 PM All Seats $45 | Buy Tickets | Box Office: 561-868-3309 This performance is part of a 4-show subscription package. Order an entire series and save money! Learn More About the Performance The Machine has forged a 30+ year reputation of extending the musical legacy of Pink Floyd. The New York-based quartet performs a diverse mix of The Floyd's extensive 16-album repertoire, complete with faithful renditions of popular hits as well as obscure gems. With stellar musicianship and passionate delivery, The Machine explores collective improvisation rivaling that of an early 1970's Pink Floyd, while their use of expanded theatrical elements and elaborate stage displays and lighting continues The Floyd spirit of the 1980's. *All programs, artists, dates, prices, and times are subject to change. Seating is subject to availability. Additional charges will apply to all online ticket orders.* From to at Duncan Theatre - Lake Worth Campus.
- Instructor Verify Participation Deadline for Express BInstructor Verify Participation Deadline for Express B Instructor Verify Participation Deadline (Class Attendance Never Attended Reporting) The deadline for Spring 2025 Express B term is on Thursday, March 13, 2025. From to at Palm Beach State College.
- HSAC - Honors Student Advisory Council MeetingHSAC - Honors Student Advisory Council Meeting Join us for the March meeting! * 2 Honors Activities Points From to at Lake Worth campus - CBP 301.
- Facts & Snacks: Come Learn More About the Florida Civic Literacy ExamFacts & Snacks: Come Learn More About the Florida Civic Literacy Exam Join us for an informative session aimed at helping students understand the requirements of the Florida Civic Literacy Exam. This event will cover the purpose of the exam, the specific topics it includes, the criteria for passing, and much more. We’ll also discuss how the exam fits into your overall academic journey and what resources are available to help you meet this requirement. This is a great opportunity to get all your questions answered and ensure you are fully informed about what is expected. Light refreshments will be provided. Join the event virtually through Microsoft Teams by the link below or the following meeting ID & passcode: Meeting ID: 295 446 906 630 Passcode: 8WU9Fh9s https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YzkwNjg4OTYtZDZiNi00NzNlLWIzNjgtODRmYmVlNTBmMmJh%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%225bc4f7fc-026f-45e5-a1f6-4fba5b70405f%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2238c246a1-e9bc-463c-9328-192e5a788bbf%22%7d From to at Lake Worth Campus - Public Safety Training Center (PSD108).
- Civility Student Committee - March 2025 MeetingCivility Student Committee - March 2025 Meeting Civility Student Committee - March 2025 Meeting From to at Lake Worth Campus - NS 124.
- Honors Book CircleHonors Book Circle RSVP for the Honors Book Circle to read " I Never Thought Of It That Way" by Monica Guzman after every HSAC Meeting. Read on the challenges of division of today's world for a deeper understanding of communication. RSVP For Book Circle only 20 each session. (Honors students will receive 1 Honors point for activity) From to at Lake Worth Campus | Room CBP-301.
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