Zoom Bible Study
Zoom Bible Study Join us as we study the Bible and fellowship together. Everyone is welcomed! Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9286378427?pwd=GpNqQZd2dqHk8nPfUaRtZdK2eCCrkY.1&omn=86840994685 Meeting ID: 928 637 8427 Passcode: Jesus From
at Online.
Latest PBSC Engage!
- Inter-Club Council MeetingInter-Club Council Meeting The Inter-Club Council brings together representatives from all clubs to collaborate, share ideas, and make decisions that impact student life. It’s a great opportunity to meet other club leaders, learn about upcoming events, and be part of exciting new initiatives. Join us!! From to at CE119.
- Student Government Association General MeetingStudent Government Association General Meeting Join us for the Lake Worth's SGA General Meeting open to all students! Discover the latest updates, share your thoughts, and engage in discussions that shape our campus community. Your voice matters, and together, we'll strengthen the bonds that make PBSC a vibrant and inclusive place for all. Free food will be served in room CE-119. From to at CE 119.
- Bite into Conduct: Brunch with a side of Advocacy (Cancelled)Bite into Conduct: Brunch with a side of Advocacy Join us for a cozy and informative session where students can enjoy refreshments while getting a refresher on campus conduct policies. Sip on coffee, snack on treats, and learn how to uphold a positive and respectful campus community. From to at Boca Raton Campus - HT103.
- Get Started with MLAGet Started with MLA Do you need an introduction or a refresher to MLA format for ENC or your other courses? This half-hour workshop will introduce basic elements for formatting a paper and creating citations. All PBSC students and employees are invited! Register at https://bit.ly/3Qi1JjJ. From to at Lake Worth Campus - Library.
- Transfer Scholarship Workshop (Cancelled)Transfer Scholarship Workshop Graduating and transferring in the Fall? Bring your laptop and let’s get started on applying! (Honor students will receive 1 Honors activity Point) From to at Loxahatchee Campus | Room TBD.
- Mardi Gras: Fat TuesdayMardi Gras: Fat Tuesday Panthers join us for a Mardi Gras celebration filled with food, music, virgin margaritas and more! From to at Lake Worth Campus- MLK Plaza.